Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I'm seriously grossed out.

There are a lot of good things about my roommate. So far it's been pretty easy living with him, all things considered. He gives me plenty of space and is generally pretty laid back. But sometimes -- like now -- I have to question his sanity. Here's why.

The other night after dinner I was relaxing with a glass of wine and happened to notice he was doing the dishes. He's done them, for the most part, the entire time we've been roommates because he was unemployed until the last month or so. It's been great. Anyway, I looked over and watched him a moment and one of those observations you sometimes have come out of nowhere suddenly struck me: I hadn't heard the water running to fill the sink. So I get up, curious, and go into the kitchen.

I was right, there was no sink full of water. But no. He's standing there, running tepid water, and RINSING the dishes we'd just used! And putting them in the dishwasher to air dry (we don't use it as anything but a drying rack.) I asked him what he was doing, hoping he couldn't possibly be doing what it looked like he was doing. He told me that his ex-girlfriend had told him that if you got to them fast enough you didn't have to wash them. And that I needn't complain about it now because he'd been doing that for a year.

I was stunned. I just stood there speechless.

So sure, I've been under a lot of stress and I'm sure my immune system is a little shaky because of it. I've been figuring that susceptibility was why I've been getting sick more often in the last year. But you know, maybe that's only part of it. Maybe....just maybe....I've been exposed to more as well. Maybe THIS is why I've been sick more this last year than any years previously.

Is he seriously that much of an idiot?