Thursday, March 1, 2007

Post Mortem

A lot has been going on this past month or so and I've had trouble blogging. I've felt absolutely full -- mentally and emotionally -- and though you'd think blogging would help relieve the feeling of fullness, it instead felt like one more burden. So I let it lie.

My husband and I will be divorcing. By today's standards our marriage was quite long, and in the eyes of many people that know us, rather better than the average. I am of the opinion that it was better than the average. But people change. I've changed. What fit then does not fit now. There are not words simple enough to contain our relationship or what happened. It was not any one big thing as much as so many little ones. And as in life, marriages and relationships are in the details.

It is such a difficult and sad time for me. Sometimes, even the right decisions make you feel like hell.

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