Wednesday, March 28, 2007

You Know You'll Always Be My Little Girl

Something my daughter said to me this morning made me stop and blink a few times, impressed by her insight and wisdom even though she is only 14. I share it here because I don't want to forget.

We were talking about her friends, her life, her thoughts about some of her friends, some of the things that happen in their lives and her feelings about those events. She'd shared with me some of her more private musings about them and during the course of the conversation she said, "You know, Mom, I really like [her], she's one of my best friends. But really, sometimes her need for attention is more important than her need for honesty. So sometimes I don't know if everything she says is real or just overdramatized."

I told her I was impressed by her insight. I also let her know that many adults do not come to those sorts of realizations about their friends -- or themselves -- until much later in their lives, if at all.

She's not sure about who she is yet. She has issues with her sexuality and with her desire to be a male instead of a female. She's upset at the hand that fate gave her, giving her a female's body when she does think much like a male. She's blunt, she's generally not empathic, she hides her emotions and thoughts -- preferring to think them through internally rather than explore them out loud -- and she's impatient with the drama and manipulation that exists in the female teenage world. I'm not sure if these things she feels now are permanent or temporary but I am aware that she is old enough to know what she feels sexually. No doubt part of it is that she is curious and will be experimental in many aspects of her life until she finds the hats that will fit her best. I am supportive of her and loving towards her no matter what she does or what she becomes. I've told her so many times.

I do know one thing, though -- she's going to become an incredible woman. But she'll always be my little girl.

((Song: "My Little Girl" by Tim McGraw. Lyrics here:

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