Friday, April 3, 2009

All We Are Is Dust In The Wind

I've been a little sad lately. I haven't felt like blogging much, at least not here. I do a genealogy blog that I've done a bit of work on, though. It's cathartic.

Nearly 15 years ago now I met my first real "cousin" doing genealogy that didn't belong to the last two generations of my immediate family. Her 3rd g-grandfather and my 4th g-grandfather were brothers. We bonded immediately, although there was over 30 years difference in our ages. She and I researched together for a long time and eventually took a trip together in '01 back to a little town in IL where our ancestors once lived.

She told me in January that she'd been diagnosed with terminal cancer of a kind that doesn't let its victims live very long. She told me one of her deepest regrets was not being able to documentally prove a father-son lineage that we intuitively knew to be true. I immediately scheduled a trip back to where they were living at the time so I could find that proof for her.

That is the trip I will go on in 2 weeks. I had hoped to make it in time, but I found out last week that I didn't. She passed away two weeks ago. I'm still going on the trip and it will still be a lot of fun. I hope I do find that proof. I hope that if I do, she'll know it no matter where she happens to be now.

RIP, my friend. I'll miss you.

Let's health news I have a colonoscopy/endoscopy scheduled for the end of April. That oughta be fun -- not. It'll likely put me about $1.5k in debt after all is said and done since my damned deductible is so high. We'll see....but I have Barrett's and would just as soon get all that looked at. Going under anesthesia is NOT my cup of tea anyway and I've heard with bad teeth it's not necessarily a wise idea at all. I suppose I'll have to call the doc and let him know I have bad teeth and see what he says.

I am sooooooo looking forward to that trip I mentioned. I'm tired. Working two jobs and hitting the gym (though due to a sore back I am out this week) is wiping me out.

This weekend is MINE MINE MINE! Roommate is gone, kiddo is with her dad. On the agenda: sleeping, laying about in pajamas, bringing my budgeting program up to date, planning the genealogical information I need to research on my trip, more sleeping. Maybe coffee in jammies and a good book here and there? Oh, and maaaaybe a little teensy bit of bad TV.

And unless something special comes up -- NO guests.

((Song: "Dust In The Wind" by Kansas. Lyrics here: ))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"And unless something special comes up -- NO guests."

My thoughts exactly. I'm worn out with all the college application crap and am spending the day reading the newspaper, studying for spanish, & sorting out the piles of papers that a family of five generate.