Monday, December 10, 2007

Cause We're All Afraid Of Each Other

I had a dream last night that was one of the strangest ones I'd had in a while.

I was trying to shut a big door, and the door acted like one of those spinning safe locks -- the kind with the tumblers? You could see the tumblers spin and in order for the door to close properly I had to wait until the tumblers passed over this piece of metal that was sticking out so that it would lock in place -- the thing couldn't spin backward.

So I was messing with the door -- it wasn't working right for me -- while talking with BiB. He was standing to my right, holding a hat or something. I offered to take him home in my car. He looked like he didn't want to wait for me but finally said all right, fine.

Then V came walking up. I nodded to him and said I'd be ready in a minute. I told V that I was planning to leave soon and to make sure to be in the car, and that BiB was going with us. He eyed BiB but said nothing. I saw his look and introduced BiB to him. V's eyebrows raised, but his tone was even as he said his greetings.

V and BiB began to leave and I followed behind, curious to see what would happen because I knew that Grey was waiting in the car with V.

I got in the front seat and turned around to watch just as BiB slid into the passenger's seat of the car. Grey looked at BiB and BiB looked at Grey, neither man having ever met the other. So with an anticipatory smile I said, "Grey, this is BiB. BiB, this is Grey."

Watching the dawning comprehension in both men's eyes and how they subsequently sized one another up was delicious.

And then I awoke.

I laid there for a moment, and the first thing I did was laugh. Ah, how interesting that would be.

((Song: "Dirty Great Monster" by Duran Duran. Lyrics here: ))

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