Saturday, December 8, 2007

Grab That Cash With Both Hands

Lately I've been brainstorming about extra ways to make money. I have some debt I'd like to see gone.

So I went to donate plasma this morning at my local donation center. The pay is pretty good. You can donate up to twice a week for $65. That means if I get my butt over there and my body can handle it (I may just do once a week for a while to see if my blood recovers quickly or takes a while) I can make up to $260 a month and at least $120. That means I can throw that extra cash at a debt I have that's around $500 and get that paid off in as little as 2-3 months and 4-5 at the most. I like the sound of that.

Then, if I continue, I can add that extra to my other debt, the one I took with me from my marriage. That one is a 4-figure debt. I can get that taken care of in 16-19 months if I continue donating.

Wow. Debt-free in 2 years. I'm speechless.

((Song: "Money" by Pink Floyd. Lyrics here: ))

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