Monday, December 31, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

Went to Las Vegas this weekend with X.

I had an incredible time though it was quite surreal. Never in a thousand years would I have dreamed that little old me would be drinking $600 bottles of wine and shopping at Cartier and riding around in a Rolls, much less staying in a 5-star hotel and playing blackjack with $300 buy-in limits. I enjoyed it immensely but it was one of those experiences that you appreciate all the more for its uniqueness. I feel quite sure I wouldn't enjoy it half as much if it were commonplace.

And X? I can't say much about him although my thoughts are full. He is a consummate gentleman. Great conversationalist, confidence with a touch of likeable arrogance and a workhorse ethic, but he knows how to play. And oh did I mention sexy as all hell? Hah! I enjoyed the time I spent with him and he treated me every bit like a lady.

Unfortunately I'd developed a bit of a sore throat before going, which kicked into full-blown flu the day after my return. So here I am coughing and generally feeling miserable. Better today than I did yesterday for sure, but still way under the weather. I wonder if going to Vegas might have helped me get sicker than I would have if I'd stayed home but there's no contest, it was worth it.

In spades. (Get it?)

((Song: "Viva Las Vegas" by Elvis Presley. Lyrics here: ))

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