Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Helpless, Helpless, Helpless

I can barely keep my tears at bay today. I get the feeling this will only get worse as the days move toward the end of the week.

I left a voice message with BiB that stated I would leave my new address in an email when I got it. I have the new address already, of course, but.....well. What can I say? I feel like a bit of me caved a bit, leaving the message. Just leaving the voice message as opposed to an email, I mean.

I attribute it to my weak frame of mind this week. I can only thank goodness BiB wasn't there to pick up when I called. Thank goodness for small blessings.

I feel so very small and alone.

My god, this is hard.

((Song: "Helpless" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Lyrics here: http://lyrics.ivory.org/helpless.html ))

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