Friday, July 6, 2007

Random Things pt 2

I got an apartment and will try to update after the weekend once things settle down. In the meantime, more random things....

This post resonated with me and I wanted to make note of it:

And also from her (Stephanie): "I never said it was easy. It sucks the big fat hairy moose cock. But in the times where we hurt the most, we really do the most growing. Not that growth seems like the most appealing sell, but when you're going through it... and it hurts like hell, there is comfort in knowing that your soul, your journey, is progressing, that you're at least moving forward as hard as it is. And it totally prepares you for anything else thrown your way. It's a reminder... "Shit, I got through that, so I'll get through this too."

-- Yeah, this rings so true now. I know I'm doing the right thing but now that I know I have a place and I've signed a lease and it's REALLY REAL? Gahhhhh. I can do this. I can.

Oh, and this quote will go on my sidebar:

"If someone shows you who they are....believe them." -Maya Angelou

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