Thursday, July 12, 2007

It's Time To Be A Big Girl Now And Big Girls Don't Cry

This might be the last entry I can do for a while -- other than a few at work -- before I lose my internet service for almost the rest of the month. I'll be packing up my computer and installing the other one as primary at the house so hub and daughter can have email and all that. I'll be busy as all hell tonight and tomorrow night.

One more night after this one and I will move into my new place. One more evening spent with my husband and then that is that. I'm nervous and scared, excited and prepared....all at the same time.

But I can do this. There are so many reasons why I have to.

And on an entirely unrelated note, a friend I'll call Irish and I were chatting today. I was telling him about my new bed and he told me that now that I'll be separated and am finally getting some physical therapy/medical help for my dyspareunia, I can finally have the great sex that's been eluding me. My response?

Me: Hehehe, riiiiiight! I haven't had really good sex in so long that it seems sort of like Bigfoot. It's been spotted a couple of times but it's never been scientifically proven to exist.


((Song: "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie. Lyrics here: ))

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