Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Feeling Coming From My Bones Says Find A Home

My apartment search ended this weekend with my John Hancock on a great little one bedroom place both near my office and not very far away from where I'm living now. It's tucked away on a side street behind a suburban subdivision instead of on a busily traveled road. The complex is clean and well-maintained and feels safer than most of the places I've looked at so far. The price was right, I get to choose a color for an accent wall, and the best perk? The complex is paying a moving company to move my stuff from my current apartment to my new one. Score!

My BFF has made a joking comparison of my living situation. She says it's as if I'm coming full circle again from my youth until now. When I first moved out of my parent's home I moved in with a roommate. I then graduated to living by myself for a few years before marrying and settling in with my husband. Now I'm doing the same thing but in reverse. After my divorce I moved in with a roommate. Now I'm "graduating" again to my own place.

All this is true on its face, but I certainly hope this doesn't mean that my next "graduation" is moving back in again with my parents! Ha! The horror........

I'm so looking forward to this. My own place! Those two weeks without my roommate helped cement my desire for a space of my own and spurred me to decide to start looking. I can't wait to decorate and stamp it with my own personal style. Yeah, I know. I'm a big doofus. Bring it on!

((Song: "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes. Lyrics here: ))

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