Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Tick-Tock Of The Clock Is Painful

I've been looking for a new place. I checked out a sweet little garage apartment today and if it had been 100 sq ft bigger I would have taken it. It was built in the 40s and had dark wood trim and a blue-tiled kitchen floor. It had charm and I could really see myself there. Unfortunately, it had a tiny little bathroom as well as no place to store much of my stuff -- just one small closet and no other storage. Not to mention I would have to cool with a unit and not central air, and heat with space heaters. Oh, and it was furnished, so I'd have to use other stuff I didn't want while storing my own. But still.....rats. I wanted quirky and fun, which is what this place has. I dread having another boring old apartment and I certainly don't know that I'll be able to find a more eclectic place in the city I live in.

I haven't given the owner a definite "no," but I imagine that's what I'll end up doing. I wonder if I could possibly downsize that much??? Bleh, probably not. Rats.

Last night Grey and I had an interesting discussion. We spoke of Zen and Buddhism and had some back and forth about a number of thought processes that are entertained by practitioners of the belief system. We spoke of our own personal issues and gripes and stressors and it helped sharing them with another. We also spoke of time; how our lives are ticking away and the days of our friendship ticking along with it, yet we only get to see each other once a year, or twice if we're lucky. Neither of us liked that very much. Time always ends up feeling like the enemy.

I think he said it best when he said it should all just be "easy peasy." I find myself thinking that a lot more often these days.

((Song: "Inside Out" by Eve 6. Lyrics here

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