Sunday, June 3, 2007

As Soon As You're Born You Start Dying

A friend of mine and I spent the day together on Friday and experienced something that has stayed with me these past few days. A deaf man stepped in front of a train that was pulling into the station we were waiting at and was hit and dragged. By the time we ran to the train others had dialed 911 and all I could see was the man's head against the wheel. I thought for a moment that he had been decapitated. Then he moved. By the time that police and the ambulance arrived, the man -- against all shouts to the contrary -- worked himself out from under the train and stood up. He had been incredibly lucky. The train's wheels had not rolled over any part of his body. Against all odds, he'd been hit by a train and had lived with nary a scratch.

It made me think about the randomness of life, and death. Anything can happen at any time. We are all just here by cosmic luck.

((Song: "Sheep Go To Heaven" by Cake. Lyrics here:

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